August 22, 2010

Mac's Image Capture In Combination With Dropbox versus iPhoto

As a Mac fan, I tend to like 'all things Mac'. And, well, I pretty much do, actually. I simply love how iWeb enables me to easily (but most of all quickly) helps me with getting a webpage laid out. Yes, of course, it's all templates and stuff, but so often time is a critical factor and you need to get something done quickly and post it online. iWeb's your best friend.

And of course, all the other absolutely helpful (and great) features of my Mac have made my life very much easier. But most of all, it has made the time I spend at the computer so much more enjoyable.

But still, I can not get used to iPhoto. iTunes I never really liked, but I kind of managed my way about it and although I feel there's a lot that can be improved, I've given up the fight and joined the club. Not liking iTunes, says maybe more about me than it does about iTunes, but - pardon my French - I think it pretty much sucks when it comes to organizing and tagging my music. I could post a whole entry about it, but I will not. Since, as I said before, I have capitulated to iTunes.

But iPhoto. That's a different story. I take a lot of pictures. Well, a lot, I take about twenty (recreational) pictures day. Of my beautiful baby girl, on my way to work, while waiting at the tram stop, in the train and when just walking about. Importing them in iPhoto ... well, you know. It creates events per date, and all that jazz. But I can't seem to figure out how to make new events, while I'm splitting up several pictures from one event. Creating albums I don't like, because those are albums and the images are taken from the actual events ... and I lose track of where the source pictures are.

Still, I must give credit to iPhoto for all the great options it sports.

But! There's always a but.

Since two months, I have been using the free services of Dropbox . And with Image Capture, I transfer all my iPhone images automatically to my Dropbox folder as soon as I connect my iPhone. What I do, is create my own subfolders in my Dropbox folder, by date and/or event. I so much like the possibilities to arrange my pictures that way - not having to be dependent on iPhoto's whims.

While typing this, I have actually no idea why I am bothering about it at all, but I like it. And this is my blog, so ....

Dropbox and Image Capture. One comes with every Mac and the other's free. Give it a try. It did the trick for me.

Have a good day, and stuff.

© Fred Händl - 2010

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